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Module 12 : Assessment


1. To develop participants’ understanding of the role of assessment ineffective teaching and learning

2. To acquaint participants with the characteristics of ‘Assessment for Learning’ or ‘Formative Assessment’

3. To extend participants’ repertoire of effective assessment techniques

4. To enhance participants’ understanding of the concept of ‘Learning Outcomes’

5. To deepen participants’ awareness of how ‘Summative Assessment’ maybe used to improve student learning

6. To explore with teachers how effective assessment may be employed to assist the process of School Improvement.


  • Instructional Intelligence and effective assessment: arationale
  • How students learn: some research conclusions
  • Formative, diagnostic and summative assessment: anoverview
  • Framing questions effectively and assessment
  • Student Self-Assessment
  • Student Peer-Assessment
  • Focusing students on Learning Intentions
  • Success criteria and rubrics
  • Providing feedback
  • Using Learning Outcomes effectively
  • Assessment and student self-esteem
  • Assessment and School Improvement: using assessment to formulate targets
  • Designing appropriate assessment tools: acknowledging learning styles
  • Promoting meta-cognition in students.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of their engagement with this module, participants will:

1. Be able to articulate the characteristics of Assessment for Learning and how this strategy differs from summative assessment techniques

2. Be able to apply a range of different assessment techniques

3. Be able to modify approach to questioning with regard to assessment

4. Be able to use assessment data/ findings to enhance school improvement.

5. Be able to use assessment to encourage students to think about their own learning.