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Module 3 : Instructional Concepts and Instructional Skills

To view Instructional Concepts and Instructional Skills powerpoint click here


1.   To refine participants’ understanding of the specific role of Skills in classroom practice.

2.   To acquaint participants with the relationship between Instructional Skills and Instructional Concepts.

3.   To extend participants’ conceptual awareness of what is understood by the particular skill of Framing Questions Effectively.

4.   To extend participants’ command of relevant vocabulary.


  • Introduction to the Concept and Skill
  • Exploration of the concept of Active Participation and how this concept may be invoked through the particular skill of Framing Questions Effectively
  • Consideration of the characteristics of effectively structured questions
  • Relationship of Bloom’s Taxonomy to the skill of framing questions effectively
  • Exploration of other concepts associated with the framing of questions

o  Complexity of Thinking

o  Academic Engaged Time

o  Covert and Overt

o  Fear of Failure and Dependency

o  Public Failure versus Private Failure

o  Accountability and Level of Concern

  • Exploration of other skills associated with the framing of questions

o  Wait Time

o  Responding to Different Types of Student Responses

o  Providing Feedback/ Knowledge of Results

o  Effective Distribution of Responses

Learning outcomes:

At the end oftheir engagement with this module, participants will:

1.    Be able to articulate the relationship between Instructional Concepts and Instructional Skills, with specific reference to how the teacher may consciously invoke a particular concept by wisely selecting and applying a particular skill

2.   Be aware of how to frame questions effectively

3.    Be able to respond effectively to student responses       

4.  Be aware of how other skills and concepts may be invoked in framing questions effectively.

Mind Map