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Module 13: Instructional Skills and Classroom Management


1. To facilitate participants to consider the complex factors relating to classroom management and school-wide discipline

2. To enable participants to reflect on the characteristics of effective teachers in relation to promoting positive discipline

3. To explore with participants the reasons that students misbehave

4. To introduce participants to instructional skills focused on preventing and responding to misbehaviour

5. To explore the notion of social relationships between teachers and students

6. To integrate participants’ thinking about classroom management with Self-Evaluation and School Improvement.


  • Aframework for classroom and school improvement: Classroom Improvement-Teacher as Learner-School Improvement
  • Research evidence about effective and ineffective teachers
  • Identifying student misbehaviour and analysing reasons for it
  • Preventing misbehaviour through creating environments where students belong
  • Cooperative Learning and Classroom Management
  • Fostering instructional skills to prevent and respond to student misbehaviour

o  Promoting Active Participation

o  Framing Questions Effectively

o  Responding appropriately to student responses.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of their engagement with this module,participants will:

1.    Be able to articulate the complex factors relating to classroom management and school wide discipline

2.    Be able to identify reasons for student misbehaviour

3.    Be aware of how to prevent misbehaviour through creating environments where students belong

4.    Be able to integrate instructional skills and co-operative learning tactics to promote positive behaviour.