Professional Development Programme to enhance learning and teaching repertoires in our Schools” I am very pleased to introduce you to the ‘Instructional Leadership Programme’, offered through Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) to educational partners in all sectors and facilitated by Professor Barrie Bennett, author of ‘ Graphic Intelligence’, ‘Classroom Management’ and ‘Beyond Monet’.
As a Model of Professional Development, it provides for engagement & submersion, modelling & practice and the development of collegial networks as a means of support and encouragement.
The Programme endeavours to initiate and facilitate systemic change, across all levels of education, by specifically aiming to;
Encourage teachers to consciously modify their instructional actions so as to maximise student learning
Facilitate the conscious and deliberate utilisation of teacher actions – skills, tactics & strategies
Foster an awareness of how a teacher’s actions can impact on student learning – motivation, novelty, authenticity, accountability safety
Re/Acquaint teachers with the extent to which learning is affected by; diverse learning styles, multiple intelligences, ‘at risk environment’ etc
Enhance classroom management Encourage / support review –individual / subject dept / school
Joan Russell
Chairperson Instructional Leadership National Steering Committee